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Number of steps (29) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Register a business  (4) expand_more expand_less
Obtain a Foreign Investment Approval Certificate (FIAC)  (4) expand_more expand_less
Obtain a business licence certificate  (3) expand_more expand_less
Obtain the Singe Window System registration code  (1) expand_more expand_less
Obtain an import permit - Biosecurity  (3) expand_more expand_less
Obtain Industrial Permit  (2) expand_more expand_less
Obtain Concession 010 - Industrial Concession  (3) expand_more expand_less
Obtain Concession 020 - Tourism Concession  (2) expand_more expand_less
Obtaining bill of lading at Port Vila seaport  (1) expand_more expand_less
Customs and Biosecurity clearance at Port Vila seaport  (3) expand_more expand_less
Releasing cargo at Port Vila seaport  (3) expand_more expand_less

Pre-check of application for Foreign Investment Approval Certificate (FIAC)
(last modified: 15/04/2021)

Contact details

Entity in charge

Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority (VIPA)

Kumul Highway, MB 9011 , Port Vila
Tel: 00678/24441 / 00678/24096
Directions: Google maps

Unit in charge

Certification and Implementation Division - VIPA

Mon: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Tue: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Wed: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Thu: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Fri: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Sat: closed
Sun: closed

Person in charge

Lashie Tom

Vetting Officer
Tel: 00678/24441

Expected results

Application form Foreign Investment Approval Certificate (eng) - signed by Vetting Off.


1. Application form Foreign Investment Approval Certificate (eng)
Application form Foreign Investment Approval Certificate (eng) (original)
or Demande de certificat d´agrement pour un nouvel investissement etranger  (fr)
Demande de certificat d´agrement pour un nouvel investissement etranger (fr) (original)
2. Business Plan (eng)
Business Plan (eng) (original)
based on VIPA template
or Organigraphe de Plan d’entreprise -Business Plan (fr)
Organigraphe de Plan d’entreprise -Business Plan (fr) (original)
3. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Passport copy (Simple copy)
Copy of bio-data page of each investor´s passport
4. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Police Clearance (Simple copy)
Notarized Police Clearance of Non-resident Directors
5. 01 - Libre deuda de patente
Business Name Certificate (Simple copy)
or Business Registration Certificate, alternatively

Time frame

Waiting time in queue: min   5mn - max  20mn
Attention at counter: min   30mn - max   1h.

Legal justification

1. Foreign Investment Act, 2019

Additional information

More information can be found here:

Referral : Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority (VIPA)

Entity in charge

Vanuatu Investment Promotion Authority (VIPA)

Kumul Highway, MB 9011 , Port Vila
Tel: 00678/24441 / 00678/24096
Directions: Google maps

Unit in charge

Certification and Implementation Division - VIPA

Mon: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Tue: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Wed: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Thu: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Fri: 08:00 - 12:00, 13:00 - 16:30
Sat: closed
Sun: closed

Person in charge

Gelpen Silas

Manager-Certification and Implementation
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