Back to list Excise Act, 2002





* min. 6 months interval between publication and entry into force
* if possible, 60 days interval between publication and entry into force
* min. 6 months interval between publication and entry into force
* if possible, 60 days interval between publication and entry into force

Products and Countries affected

Import Licence of Goods

Products and Countries affected


Objective and justification

Quota/Prohibition/Export licence

Condition Measure

Measure type Import Export Seasonal Product, Quantity, Quota value and/or share (per country), etc.
*Please enter all types of measures contained in the legislation.
*Prohibition: Import/Export is fully prohibited in all cases. For example, “biochemical weapons shall not be imported under any circumstances.”
*Prohibition except under conditions (Licence X): Import/Export depends on a very specific condition, beside the obtaining of a licence. For example, “imports of arms are generally prohibited unless these are done by the Ministry of Defence.” In this case, there is no licence involved and only the Ministry of Defence can import these products, otherwise they are fully prohibited. If Import/Export is allowed upon the obtaining of a licence, permit or authorization, please enter it under the “Import Licence” category or choose "Export Licence".
*Quota with global allocation: Quota has no conditions attached to the country of origin/destination of the product. For example, “Up to 100 tons of coconuts can be exported to the world.”. In this case, there is no restriction on destination countries.
*Quota with country allocation: Quota has conditions that the product must originate in/destine to one or more countries. For example, “Flour can be exported up to 100 tons to Country A, 50 tons to Country B and 40 tons to Country C.”

Objective and justification

Other than SPS or Import Licence

Objective and justification


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