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Steps (8) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Register a business  (4) expand_more expand_less
Obtain a business licence certificate  (3) expand_more expand_less
Obtain the Singe Window System registration code  (1) expand_more expand_less

Obtain a business registration certificate
(last modified: 02/08/2021)

You can apply for this step online

language Remplir en ligne

Temps d'attente jusqu'à la prochaine étape

1 jour  -  2 jours

Où devez vous aller ?

Entité en charge

Vanuatu Financial Services Commission

Companies House, PMB 9023 Rue Bougainville , Port Vila, Vanuatu
Tel: 00678/22247
Site web:
Directions: Google maps

Qu'allez vous obtenir ?

Applcation online Applcation online
Business Name Certificate

Que devez vous fournir ?

1. Applcation online
Applcation online (original)

Combien de temps ça dure ?

Attente avant étape suivante: min   1 jour - max   2 jours

Pourquoi est-ce obligatoire ?

1. Companies Act, 2012
Companies Act, 2012
Section tion6 ,  Article 2
2. Companies Regulations Order, 2015

Bon à savoir

Log in to your VFSC user account and submit your application once the payment has been credited to your user account.

En cas de problème : Vanuatu Financial Services Commission

Entité en charge

Vanuatu Financial Services Commission

Companies House, PMB 9023 Rue Bougainville , Port Vila, Vanuatu
Tel: 00678/22247
Site web:
Directions: Google maps
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