info This step is completed by Registered VeSW User
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Number of steps (18) arrow_drop_up arrow_drop_down
Obtain a Sandalwood License  (2) expand_more expand_less
Obtain a sandalwood export permit  (3) expand_more expand_less
Obtain a Phytosanitary Certificate - Biosecurity Port Vila  (3) expand_more expand_less
Obtain an MSG Certificate  (3) expand_more expand_less
Obtaining bill of lading at Port Vila seaport  (1) expand_more expand_less
Customs and Biosecurity clearance at Port Vila seaport  (3) expand_more expand_less
Releasing cargo at Port Vila seaport  (3) expand_more expand_less

Submit application ( Single Window System)
(last modified: 02/08/2021)

You can apply for this step online

language Apply online

Contact details

Entity in charge

Single Window Team

Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni Vanuatu Business. Private Mail Bag 9056, VOIP: 2361 Telephone: 33093 Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu , Port Vila
Tel: 00678 33093
Email: Email:
Website: Website:
Directions: Google maps

Expected results

Application registration number Application registration number


Import Permit from Importing country

Legal justification

1. Plant Protection Act, 1997

Referral : Single Window Team

Entity in charge

Single Window Team

Ministry of Tourism, Trade, Commerce and Ni Vanuatu Business. Private Mail Bag 9056, VOIP: 2361 Telephone: 33093 Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu , Port Vila
Tel: 00678 33093
Email: Email:
Website: Website:
Directions: Google maps